Disassociating from Zionism

Some supporters of Zionism are trying to disassociate from the meaning and use of the word. Recently with a growing number of people the word Zionism has a negative connotation, more so than any time before. Where it was once taboo to question anything related to Israel, it’s now become a contentious process defining what Zionism truly is and what it represents. Seeing and hearing different and completely contrary explanations to existing beliefs concerning Israel, makes some people understandably uncomfortable.

The Dirty Dozen MPs who want to prolong the Palestinians’ misery…   Where is their ‘common humanity’?

Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett was reported in The Guardian as proclaiming Benyamin Netanyahu the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world. “Really?” replied Criag Murray in his blog . “Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?


AIPAC, ISIS And The U.S. Congress

None of AIPAC's 7 American publications, Defense Digest, Near East Report, Homeland Security Monitor, Energy Monitor, Issue Memo, Israel Connection or Middle East Spotlight discusses ISIS, let alone instructs Congress how to vote on the war with the so-called "Islamic State." In general, if you want to know how AIPAC wants congressmembers to vote just check on what its most slavish adherents do.

Why the Deep State always Wins

Readers with a morbid sense of curiosity can visit a web site called NukeMap that allows visitors to witness the devastation caused by nuclear weapons of varying yields on a city of their choosing.1 Herman Kahn, who was an armchair theorist from RAND during the Cold War, insisted that nuclear war was winnable.2 But a few hours with NukeMap will disprove Kahn’s folly and the baleful smiley face that h

John McCain, Conductor of the “Arab Spring” and the Caliph

Everyone has noticed the contradiction of those who recently characterized the Islamic Emirate as “freedom fighters” in Syria and who are indignant today faced with its abuses in Iraq. But if that speech is incoherent in itself, it makes perfect sense in the strategic plan: the same individuals were to be presented as allies yesterday and must be as enemies today, even if they are still on orders from Washington.

One Word Would Change the World

With that one word, Obama could earn his Nobel Peace Prize and glory in an achievement too long delayed, revel in the dissolution of the power of AIPAC over America, find solace in the reality that under his administration the world found the United States that acted on its true beliefs of inclusiveness of all and for all, both in the United States and in the community of nations. 


“How long a time lies in one little word!” (Shakespeare, Richard II)


US senator filibusters live coverage of powerful Palestinian testimonies

CSPAN cut from Tariq Abukhdeir’s live, moving testimony of Israeli abuse in Jerusalem to cover Barbara Boxer’s incoherent pro-Israel rant to a mostly empty Senate chamber. (screenshot)

Given the choke-hold pro-Israel lobbying organizations like AIPAC have on US elected officials, it is plausible Boxer’s maneuvering was orchestrated to suppress the reach of an open and honest conversation about Israeli criminality.