Erodoğan and Netanyahu Declare War

By James Petras :: 07.31.2015 The rulers of the two most powerful authoritarian regimes in the Middle East are launching major wars to reconfigure the Middle East. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared war by proxy on Iran, announcing full-scale military mobilization within Israel (July 27 -29) and organizing the biggest political campaign of ultra […]

Sheldon’s Stooges

Adelson has bought Netanyahu for one single purpose: to place a stooge of his in the White House. It is an aim that any other multi-billionaire cannot even dream of.

by Uri Avnery
IN JAPAN in the good old days, Binyamin Netanyahu would by now have committed hara-kiri.
 In England at that time, the monarch would have would have appointed him governor of the most remote little island in the Pacific Ocean.
 In Israel, his popularity rating is bound to go up.

Obama Signs Legislation Inhibiting Boycott of Israel

IMEMC News & Agencies | July 2, 2015 President Obama has signed legislation which would tackle anti-Israel boycotts all over the world and would raise specific US priorities in roughly 150 trade objectives in its negotiations. One of the main goals, according to World Bulletin/Al Ray, is to counter willingness to support “Boycott Divestment and […]

Diane Rehm has apologized twice but still hasn't explained why she tried to sandbag Bernie Sanders with an idiotic Internet lie

"Any questions???" Yeah, one: What the hell is wrong with you? (Click to enlarge.)"On today’s show I made a mistake. Rather than asking if Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders whether he had dual U.S./Israeli citizenship, as I had read in a comment on Facebook, I stated it as fact. I want to apologize as well to all our listeners for having made an erroneous statement. I am sorry for the mistake.

Criminalizing Criticism: A Zionist Project – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

I don’t believe any of these goals are possible unless Zionism is in fact kicked out of what is now Israel. That is, the ideology that drives Israeli racism and colonial expansion must be done away with, in the same way that apartheid was brought down in South Africa

 by Dr. Lawrence Davidson

Ben Cardin’s Gambit

A True Blue liberal except for Iran and Palestine By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • May 6, 2015 Democratic Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland is not very well known to the public, overshadowed as he is by his own party’s more newsworthy and photogenic congressional leadership and the gaggle of Republicans that is currently lining […]