Has the Zionist Lobby Hijacked the US Congress?

When US President Barack Obama and Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met the other day in Washington they tried to get along fairly well. The fundamental conflict between the US superpower and its political client state was watered down and rhetorically whitewashed. Obama has put up a brave front because he thinks of the day after leaving the White House and the election chances of Hillary Clinton. And Netanyahu was in great shape because he got all his wishes fulfilled.

A Point Of Contention Between A Progressive And A DINO In IL-10: The Iran Deal

Brad Schneider and Nancy Rotering (IL-10)When tepid New Dem Brad Schneider lost his House seat in 2014, it became the bluest district anywhere in the country with a Republican representative. The PVI is a daunting D+8. Obama beat McCain there 63-36% and beat Romney 58-41%. But with a Republican-lite voting record that discouraged Democratic base voters (in a midterm), Schneider was beaten by Republican Robert Dold 93,984 to 88,010, 51.6-48.4%.

If it’s going to push us to War, is it time for AIPAC to register as foreign Agent?

Most polls show that Jewish Americans are the Americans most enthusiastic about the diplomatic deal reached at Vienna between Iran and the UN Security Council over its civilian nuclear enrichment program.

by Juan Cole
(Informed Comment) -So the umbrella group of lobbyists supposedly dedicated to representing Jewish Americans, the American Israel Political Affairs Committee, is lobbying for the deal, right?

Momentum Grows For Iran Deal-- Despite Schumer/AIPAC Threats

AIPAC whore Chuck Schumer has cemented his alliance with Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) and other reactionaries who want to lead the U.S. into a war with Iran, by working the phones-- not just Senate colleagues, but frightened House Democrats as well who are being threatened with political extermination by AIPAC bullies.

52 Presidents, US-Iran Nuclear Agreement, and the Centerpiece of US Foreign Policy Struggle

The entire Zionist political apparatus immediately organized a multi-prong, multi-million dollar campaign blitz to undermine the US President.  The American (sic) Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) mobilized hundreds of its full-time functionaries, invading the US Congress with offers of all expense-paid junkets to Israel, political threats, campaign ‘donation’ enticements and outright blackmail.

James Petras

Joel Pollak and Bill Kristol on Obama’s rabid anti-Semitism

By Kevin MacDonald — Occidental Observer — August 10, 2015 Not to be outdone by the Tablet article labeling Obama a “Jew baiter,” Joel Pollak writing in Breitbart came out with “Barack Obama’s Anti-Semitic Rant on the Iran Deal: President Barack Obama is using anti-Jewish language to sell the Iran deal.” On Thursday, Obama led a conference call […]

Obama battles Israeli lobby — NYTimes says he’s gone “overboard”

Also see: Maimonides' connection to Israeli practice of burning churches (Remember: Noahide laws have death penalty for “idol worship”)_________________________________________________________Fears of Lasting Rift as Obama Battles Pro-Israel Group on Iran By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS  New York Times FRONT PAGE — AUG.