Hillary Clinton And Israel – Hillary’s Bob And Weave Can’t Hide Her Support For The Settler State

Image source: Philosopher’s Stone By Brandon Turbeville | February 18, 2016 While those on the Republican side of the aisle are able to parade their support for the brutal, racist, and horrific Zionist settler state of Israel as a positive aspect of their campaigns, Democrats generally need to be a little more couched in terms […]

‘Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel,’ Says Senator Hollings

By Mark Weber | IHR | July 16, 2004 When a prominent American political figure speaks boldly about Jewish-Zionist power, that’s news. So the remarks by South Carolina’s senior Senator in May 2004 that Iraq was invaded “to secure Israel,” and that “everybody” in Washington knows it, are indeed remarkable. Ernest “Fritz” Hollings, a Democrat […]

Israel’s International Conspiracy

Nearly every western country has an Israel lobby By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • February 9, 2016 Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom recently suggested an inquiry into a surge in Israel’s reported extra-judicial killing of Palestinian demonstrators after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for a harsh response and told his police and soldiers that […]

Peace And Its Enemies

By Gilad Atzmon | January 18, 2016 Most people around the globe are relieved by the prospect of peace following the lifting the embargo against Iran. Two groups, however, are not so happy. The Saudis and the Jews. The Saudi unease is based on geopolitical terms: Sunni/Shia conflict, oil market competition, and so on. However, […]

AIPAC Claims Iran Nuclear Deal Represents a Threat to… America

Sputnik – 17.01.2016 According to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the implementation of the Iran Nuclear Deal represents a “dangerous moment” for America. The implementation of the Iran Nuclear Deal represents a “dangerous moment” for America, and it is essential to make Iran meet the commitments it made when it accepted the JCPOA (Joint […]