Tulsi Gabbard: Bernie Sanders Is the Commander in Chief We Need

Bernie Sanders talks about his and Clinton's foreign policy differences with Chris Hayes. I've set the clip to end after the foreign policy discussion (about 10 minutes); listen to the rest if you want to hear him talk about Trump violence, his path to victory and his plan, if he wins, for the Democratic Gaius PubliusThere's no other way to think about this. Hillary Clinton would be a more aggressive, "muscular" commander-in-chief than Obama. By a lot. I have two pieces on this, one from Sanders supporter Rep.

Netanyahu equates intifada with terrorism

MEMO | March 23, 2016 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the Palestinians of making their way to statehood through knives, Israeli newspaper Maariv reported. During his speech at the AIPAC conference in Washington yesterday, Netanyahu branded all attacks as terrorist activity, including the Palestinian resistance attacks against the Israeli occupation carried out in the […]

‘Non-negotiable’: Clinton attacks Trump at AIPAC for ‘neutrality’ remarks about Israel

RT | March 21, 2016 In a speech to the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton took Republican front-runner Donald Trump to task for voicing a “neutral” position on Israeli-Palestinian talks. “We need steady hands,” Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state, told thousands of attendees at the […]

‘Dismantle the disastrous deal’: Trump tells AIPAC Iran deal is ‘number one priority’

RT | March 22, 2016 Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump told attendees at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference that he didn’t come to pander, saying “that’s what politicians do,” but he did make a promise related to the Iran nuclear deal. “My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran,” […]

Trump Makes Same Promise on Jerusalem We’ve Been Hearing Since 1972

By Nima Shirazi | Wide Asleep In America | March 21, 2016 Breaking news! The news media is abuzz today with reports that, speaking before the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference, an annual gathering of rabid right-wing Israel supporters, a presidential candidate vowed to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv […]

Devant l’AIPAC, Donald Trump s’engage à reconnaître Jérusalem comme capitale d’Israël s’il est élu

Passage obligé de l’investiture à la présidentielle américaine, la conférence annuelle de l’AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) est l’occasion pour chacun des candidats de se montrer comme le meilleur ami d’Israël. L’AIPAC est en effet l’une des organisations les plus puissantes du lobby pro-israélien aux états-unis, lobby qui est lui-même l’un des plus gros financiers des campagnes électorales, républicaines comme démocrates.

Hillary Clinton: Iran poses threat to Israel

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during the 2016 AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, DC, March 21, 2016. (AFP photo) Press TV – March 21, 2016 US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a speech to an influential Zionist lobby group in Washington that Iran still posed a threat to Israel and needed to […]

Does Congress Represent American Citizens or Israeli Settlers?

By Anthony Bellchambers – Global Research – March 15, 2016 1. Congress comprises the House of Representatives with 435 members plus 100 members in the Senate. So altogether Congress has 535 voting members. The US Constitution provides that in the majority of foreign policy decisions, and also in domestic legislation, any decision or proposal by […]

Five Reasons Why Presidential Candidates Should Not Speak at AIPAC

On Wednesday March 9 the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) announced that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has accepted an invitation to speak at their March 20-22 annual policy conference in Washington DC. Two days later they announced that Republican candidate, Donald Trump has also accepted their invitation to speak. AIPAC relishes its ability to trot out leading politicians who then jostle to outdo each other in proving their “pro-Israel” credentials.