Kushner under fire as media’s hysterical ‘Russian agent’ witch hunt continues

Late 19th century British prime minister Lord Salisbury reportedly said, “The commonest error in politics is sticking to the carcass of dead policies.”
What he said about politics then, is not only very true today, but can be extended to the media: their commonest error (or at least worst) is sticking to the carcass of dead stories.
One would think the rotten, putrid, disintegrating corpse of the “Trump is a Russian agent” story (similar to the “Russia hacked the election” story) would be ready for the garbage heap by now.

AIPAC Is Back In Town!

Hava Nagila, y’all By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • March 28, 2017 Spring in Washington would not be complete without the city’s famous cherry blossoms and the annual “Policy Conference” meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The 15,000 plus participants began arriving on Sunday and will be here at the Walter […]

Fighting AIPAC: We don’t plan to fail, we fail to plan

By Devon Nola | March 26, 2017 This weekend, the annual AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Convention takes place where 15,000 of this diabolical Jewish lobby’s best and brightest meet to mix and mingle, celebrate the successes of the past year and more importantly, strategize for the coming year how best to maintain Israel’s […]

US senators introduce bill to tighten sanctions on Iran

Press TV – March 23, 2017 A bipartisan group of US senators in Congress have introduced a bill that would impose tighter sanctions against Iran over its ballistic missile tests and other non-nuclear activities. The bill was introduced on Thursday by 14 Democratic and Republican senators, including senior members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. […]

Newsbud Special Report- State Secrets: Sibel Edmonds Uncovers ‘The Untouchables’

Newsbud presents major new revelations by former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Edmonds, known as the most classified and gagged person in US history, takes on the US Congress and the culprit media in one of the most significant and longest ongoing political/criminal cover-ups involving the FBI, a notorious political mob in Chicago, a well-known elected official and her convicted criminal spouse. Further, she renews her public call for joint testimony under oath before the US Congress.