Ambassador Nikki Haley brags about bullying UN for Israel

If Americans Knew | May 9, 2017 Read the retracted U.N. report on Israel’s practices of apartheid against Palestinians: Read the response by Professors Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley to Ambassador Haley’s actions: More information about AIPAC and Haley is at the If Americans Knew Blog: Politico reports that Haley’s name “is […]

Why would NDP foreign affairs critic legitimize Israeli racism?

By Yves Engler · May 26, 2017 Should a social democratic party’s spokesperson on foreign affairs address the Israel lobby’s top annual event and legitimize an explicitly racist institution? These are questions those currently vying for leadership of Canada’s New Democratic Party must be pressed to answer. According to the Canadian Parliament’s recently released disclosure of members’ sponsored […]

International campaign is criminalizing criticism of Israel as ‘antisemitism’

Delegates at the 2009 Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism convention in London. The organization issued a declaration calling on governments to use an Israel-centric definition of antisemitism and to outlaw and prosecute such “antisemitism.” For two decades, some Israeli officials and Israel partisans have worked to embed a new, Israel-focused definition of antisemitism in institutions around the […]

James Comey’s Legacy: Blaming Russia Rather Than Saudi Arabia And Israel

21st Century Wire says…
If it wasn’t enough with James Comey doubling down on the Russia-gate narrative, the so called ‘liberal mainstream media’ are continuing his work since he got fired by President Donald J. Trump by saying that what happened is a  ‘gift to Russia’.
The United States of America, an atrophying empire, is a laughing stock with these kind of affairs rather than a power to be taken seriously alongside other nations.

Donald Trump on Israel, the Jews, the Holocaust and historical revisionism: extracts from four online pieces

1 – Transcript of Trump's Speech to AIPAC, Time website, March 21, 2016 speak to you today [March 21, 2016] as a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel. …In spring of 2004 at the height of the violence in the Gaza Strip, I was the grand marshal of the 40th Salute to Israel Parade, the largest-single gathering in support of the Jewish state.It was a very dangerous time for Israel and frankly for anyone supporting Israel.