Israeli ambassador pushes potential war to elite U.S. powerbrokers

Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer gives address Sept. 12, 2017 to Washington D.C. movers and shakers: Wolf Blitzer and other journalists, government officials, think tank heads, philanthropists – almost all with significant ties to Israel (see list below). By Alison Weir and Kathryn Shihadah | If Americans Knew | October 5, 2017 A […]

America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars

Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East? Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • September 19, 2017 I spoke recently at a conference on America’s war party where afterwards an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked, “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has […]

Could Russia Use The Israel Lobby’s Tactics To Skirt FARA Order?

The Department of Justice has ordered Russia’s U.S.-based RT news network to begin registering as Russian foreign agents under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act. The law requires US-based agents of foreign principals to disclose financial information and activities in regular public filings overseen by a designated DOJ office.

ADL Campus guide describes how to block events about Palestine

The ADL claims to oppose injustice, but spends much of its huge budget defaming Palestinians and their allies who work for an end to Israel’s human rights abuses. By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | September 13, 2107 The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) has just launched a new initiative for college students called “ADL CAMPUS: […]

Tillerson Caves, Will Appoint Special Anti-Semitism Envoy Who Monitors Criticism of Israel

Anti-Semitism Envoy Hannah Rosenthal adopted a new Israel-centric definition of anti-Semitism and used it to train American diplomats. By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | August 29, 2017 After continuing pressure, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has announced that he will name a special envoy and maintain an office to monitor alleged anti-Semitism. All […]

Why Boycotting & Divesting Is A Crucial Tool For Change

Boycotting is a proven to be an effective tool to fight against the corporate state. But in a country like America, where we are so deeply conditioned to consume, it can be very tough.
That being said, there are pockets of boycott movements happening throughout the country. Whether it be demanding that banks divest from investing in fossil fuel projects or advocate groups going after the advertisers on hate-speech websites, it does exist.
The next step is for people to do what they can to not support corporations that are destroying us.