AIPAC Funds and Bogus Polling Paved the Way for Trump’s Muslim Ban

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court today upheld the White House’s controversial decision to impose limits on travel from several Muslim majority countries. Coverage of the decision will, no doubt, frame the court’s ruling as a major win for the White House and Donald Trump’s ability to deliver on his hardline campaign promises to strengthen border security.
But a lesser-known individual played an outsized role in the Muslim travel ban.

Part 2: The post WWII strategy of the neocons has been shaped by Russophobia against the Soviet Union and now Russia

The Turning on Russia Series By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould | Invisible History | April 18, 2018 In the months and years following the Arab-Israeli war of October 1973, the issue of Israel and its security would become so enmeshed in American policy as to become one and the same. The lesson of October […]

America’s Most Popular Politician Is Nikki Haley — Let That Sink In

(MEMO) — US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley is America’s most popular politician according to a study by Quinnipiac University, CNN reported yesterday. Haley is viewed positively by some 63 per cent of US voters, while only 39 per cent gave their approval of US President Donald Trump. Haley’s popularity also stretched to both sides of the political […]

Human Rights Activist Gideon Levy: A Voice of Sanity from Israel

I first learned of Gideon Levy many years ago, during a casual conversation with an Israeli human rights activist. He told me that he had asked Levy why was he such a serious critic of Israel’s government and its policies with the Palestinians. Levy, whose own father was a German Jewish refugee who had settled in Israel, responded, “I don’t want Israelis to say that they didn’t know.”

FARA Registration for AIPAC and Congress Is Washington’s Interest

By Philip Giraldi | American Herald Tribune | March 12, 2018 The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has just completed its annual conference in Washington. There were reportedly 18,000 attendees speakers including the Vice President, United Nations Ambassador, as well as numerous senators and congressmen. The organization is better known by its acronym AIPAC, and […]

How Many Politicians Can You Buy with $6.3 Billion Dollars?

Grant Smith, the author of Big Israel: How Israel’s Lobby Moves America, reveals the revenue of the Israeli lobby's will reach $6.3 billion in 2020, with 17,000 employees and 414,000 volunteers! (Please re-read that statement.) The purpose of the lobby is to influence the US government to serve its foreign-policy objectives and fund its military. Please open link for full commentary. [...]