AFP Articles

Bundy Family Targeted

In a move no doubt calculated to demonstrate the power and vindictiveness of the federal government, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and four individuals close to him were indicted by a federal grand jury in the state of Nevada in mid-February. The others named in the indictment were Bundy’s sons, Ryan and Ammon, militiaman Ryan Payne, and Pete Santilli, an independent broadcaster who covered both the Bundy Ranch standoff in 2014 and the Oregon standoff earlier this year.

Was Finicum Murdered in Cold Blood?

Controversy surrounds the exact manner and circumstances in which iconic Arizona rancher Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, 54, was killed on January 26. Finicum had been serving as a key leader and spokesman during the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge just south of Burns, Oregon, when he was shot and killed in a joint Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)-Oregon State Police operation.

Interview with BLM Spokesman

Earlier this afternoon, I interviewed Randy Eardley, a spokesman for the Bureau of Land Management who has worked in Harney County, Oregon where the current #OregonStandoff is taking place. Mr. Eardley is very familiar with the background of the Hammonds’ case, and provided some much needed clarity on a number of issues. Contrast the perspective and information outlined by Mr.