AFP Articles

Tribute to Zion

  • Washington preparing to hand the Israelis largest military aid package in U.S. history.

In yet another display of the total stranglehold that the vast network of pro-Israel lobbies dominating Washington, D.C. have over the United States federal government, the Obama administration recently announced it was set to offer Israel the largest military aid package that any country has ever received in U.S. history.

Immigrant Invasion Imminent

  • Local news exposes plan to resettle throngs of refugees in U.S.

A news anchor from Fargo, North Dakota, has made national headlines after exposing organized efforts to resettle refugees in his town and other parts of the country, an agenda that is being pushed by open-borders advocate George Soros and promoted by corporate groups, non-profit organizations, religious groups, and all levels of government.

Interview With Black Trump Supporters Enrages Arianna Huffington

Popular Marxist mogul commissions screed against AFP, Diamond & Silk, Friend.
By Paul T. Angel & John Friend
The news and commentary website “The Huffington Post,” a bastion of the Marxist, anti-white media machine poisoning the minds of millions of Americans, regularly publishes hit pieces on American patriots and populists, denouncing them as “racist” and “anti-Semitic” for having the guts to confront taboo topics in an honest manner.

Israel’s Influence: Good or Bad for America?

  • Conference speakers analyze detrimental effect Israeli power has on U.S.

While the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) met for its annual policy gathering in Washington, D.C., just down the road, 300 people attended a conference on March 18 that focused on the harmful influence that pro-Israel Jewish lobbies have on Congress, the mass media, and American foreign policy.

AUDIO INTERVIEW & ARTICLE: AFP Speaks to Diamond and Silk

Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, more commonly known as “Diamond and Silk,” and the “Stump for Trump Girls,” are two of the more outspoken and enthusiastic supporters of Donald J. Trump, the leading GOP presidential contender who has caused much controversy since announcing his presidential bid, and who is often portrayed by the elite media as a divisive, unrefined renegade degrading American political discourse.

Jeanette Finicum Speaks to AFP

In an exclusive interview with AMERICAN FREE PRESS on March 18, the wife and daughter of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, the iconic spokesman for the protest at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, said that the 54-year-old Arizona rancher posed no threat to law enforcement during the confrontation on January 26 but was still murdered by two state police officers anyway.

AUDIO INTERVIEW: Jeanette Finicum Speaks to AFP

The tragic death of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, the iconic Arizona rancher who served as a key leader and spokesman for the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon earlier this year, has sparked outrage in the patriot community. Finicum was shot and killed by agents of the Oregon State Police on January 26 in a joint Federal Bureau of Investigation-Oregon State Police operation.