AFP Articles

Congress Says White Groups Are Terrorists

  • Lawmakers have condemned peaceful protesters and demanded the president do the same, yet they remain silent about leftist violence perpetrated by groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

The Senate and House recently passed a joint resolution specifically condemning white nationalists and other so-called “hate groups”—including “neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists”— and urged President Donald Trump to speak out against such groups and devote federal resources toward addressing the purported “threat” posed by them.

Trump Wants Immigration Cut

  • The recently introduced RAISE Act–Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy–would utilize a merit-based point system to increase the English language fluency and technical skills level of foreign citizens accepted into the U.S. while at the same time decreasing the total number approved for entry. While countries around the world have just such a commonsense system in place, left-leaning groups in America are screaming “racism” and “discrimination” over the idea the U.S. would implement a similar strategy.

WikiLeaker Revealed?

  • A private detective in Washington, D.C., investigating the unsolved murder last year of DNC staffer Seth Rich, claims to know who leaked Democrats’ emails—and it is not Russia…

New evidence and public testimony is being offered to further substantiate claims that Seth Rich, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer who was mysteriously murdered in Washington, D.C. late last year, provided damaging information to WikiLeaks—not Russia—in an effort to expose corruption in the Democratic Party during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Populist Presidential Candidate Marine Le Pen Advances in French Elections

  • France’s first round of presidential voting is over, and the news is surely alarming to globalists and EU-firsters everywhere. Marine Le Pen of the populist, right-wing National Front Party has come in second place, having secured the votes of 7 million of her countrymen who agree it’s time to put France first and shut down the massive immigration that threatens to forever change the French culture.

Why Did Trump Betray Campaign Promises on Syria, Assad, Russia?

  • World leaders are questioning the veracity of claims Syria’s Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against his own citizens—and the legality of the U.S.’s retaliatory cruise missile attack on a Syrian air base. In the U.S., citizens who supported Donald Trump during his presidential campaign are now questioning the veracity of his pledge to follow a non-interventionist policy when it comes to America’s military.

Jewish Academic Details Role of Israeli Mossad in 9/11

  • Even now, nearly 16 years after 9/11, discussion of certain aspects of the crime remain taboo in most of the world. One such hot topic is what role Israel, or specifically Mossad, may have played. Now, a Jewish-American academic has reaffirmed Israel’s ties to Sept. 11, much to the chagrin of the global Israeli lobby.

An American academic recently revealed some key yet little-known truths about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, sparking outrage and condemnation from pro-Israel groups.

Tech Company Behind Russian Hacking Claims Forced to Roll Back Botched Reports

  • Despite retraction of the report by a DNC-employed cybersecurity company that was behind the much-trumpeted claims of Russian hacking, allegedly intended to undermine America’s democratic processes and put Donald Trump in the White House, claims of Russian meddling continue to be made by such influential neocons as Dick Cheney and John McCain. With or without evidence, the attempt to involve the U.S. in conflict with Russia continues.