AFP Articles

FBI vs Antifa

  • Given the frequent violence against both people and property perpetrated by radicals associated with antifa during Trump rallies and other “right-leaning” gatherings, it is about time the FBI takes a look at individuals driven by “an antifa ideology.”

In a move that was long overdue, the federal government recently announced it is actively investigating individuals driven by “an antifa ideology,” according to Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI.

Elite Cheats

  • The newly released “Paradise Papers” investigation reveals how the wealthy, including over 120 top political and world leaders, hide their massive riches offshore. The previously released “Panama Papers” similarly exposed how the world’s biggest corporations avoid paying their own billions in taxes, as well.

Democrats Behind Fake News Dossier

  • The Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC have been tied to the bogus report on Trump’s “deep, compromising ties to Russia,” which even former FBI Director James Comey called “salacious and unverified,” that was released before the presidential election and is still being trumpeted by the corporate press and Republicans like Sen. John McCain as “evidence” the president has been influenced—or even blackmailed—by the Russian government. On the contrary, claims President Trump, “This was the Democrats coming up with an excuse for losing an election.”

Cleaning House

  • The rising tide of populism and America-first sentiments are finally gaining ground in U.S. politics, and as a result “America-last” senators and congressmen are being forced out of office. Recently, at least two have announced they will not run for re-election, citing the poor chances of winning against candidates whose policies more closely mirror the desires of America’s voters.

One in Nine Congressmen Is ‘Re-Educated’ In Israel

  • Israel’s “powerful stranglehold on the American government” hasn’t lessened since Jim Traficant spoke those words in 2009. In the last month alone, AIPAC’s “charitable” sister organization, the American Israel Education Foundation, has funded more than 50 U.S. congress members’ trips to Israel for “educational seminars” where they’re wined, dined… and indoctrinated.