AFP Articles

Poison Gas Attack Is Fake News False Flag

  • In the front page story of AFP’s Issue 17 & 18, just mailed, John Friend looks into the continuing fake news surrounding Syria. He reports doctors and eyewitnesses say the alleged “poison gas attack” in Douma—in response to which the U.S. fired 105 Tomahawk missiles on three Syrian targets—never happened. The real question: Who benefits from drawing the U.S. into yet another no-win war?

HUD Scam Dies

  • While the new $1.3 trillion omnibus bill is another egregious example of governmental over-reach and over-spend, there’s one bright spot in the act: At least it won’t fund an Obama-era social engineering experiment. Now Congress needs to take action to end permanently the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation.

Hate Crimes Charges Filed

  • The young man who made bomb threats against hundreds of Jewish community centers and institutions in 2016 was found to be a Jewish Israeli-American. Nonetheless, the Anti-Defamation League continues its absurd, ever-consistent hate-cry: “Make no mistake, these threats were acts of anti-Semitism and deserve to be treated as a hate crime.” Could the ADL’s nonsensical position finally be the straw that breaks this subversive, fear-mongering camel’s back?

PC Police Strike

  • A young woman has been removed from her Florida middle-school teaching job for expressing cultural views online-under a pseudonym-after the PC police at a far-left website made it their mission to get the woman fired. Political correctness had taken on a whole new significance in the U.S., as increasing numbers of Americans lose jobs and reputations due to speaking their minds, regardless of the First Amendment.

Jail for Hillary?

  • As the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee continues its investigation of the FBI and its former director, James Comey, a new letter from committee chairman Sen. Ron Johnson to the director of the FBI has brought to light “arguably criminal actions of main FBI insiders” in the agency’s investigation, and exoneration, of Hillary Clinton, who illegally shared classified information using a private server. Is prosecution on the horizon?