AFP Articles

U.S. Citizens Band Together, Privately Fund Border Wall

  • If the government won’t build the wall, Americans will do it themselves!

As President Donald Trump continues to fail to fulfill one of his key campaign promises to build a wall along the southern U.S. border to protect America against the ongoing invasion of Third World migrants, private U.S. citizens are taking the initiative themselves.

All Charged Up

  • Left-wing group loses major bid to have Mastercard create Orwellian commission designed to deny access to charge services for politically incorrect groups.

A radical left-wing activist group was dealt a major blow by credit card company Mastercard on June 25 after a nearly unanimous majority of its independent shareholders voted to reject the establishment of an Orwellian “human rights” group with in the company to monitor payments to conservative and rightwing groups and individuals.

LA Faces Historic Crisis

  • The homelessness problem in major California cities is a full-blown crisis that is threatening public health and sanitation in a way perhaps never seen before. Homelessness, poverty, and staggering income disparities—common features of Third World countries—are on full display in major cities in California such as Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco.

People Revolt Against NWO

  • Mass immigration and the failure of globalism are behind Europe’s recent nationalist resurgence.

Nationalists and populists across Europe made tremendous gains in the recent European Union (EU) elections, demonstrating the appeal of these highly demonized political ideologies in an era of economic and political globalization, massive Third World immigration to the continent, and an increasingly out-of-touch elite political class ruling in Brussels determined to push European integration at all costs.

The Rise of the Nationalists

  • Around the world, the “deplorables” are electing populists to power.

Nationalists and populists the world ‘round made their voices heard loud and clear in recent elections in both Australia and the European Union (EU), riding the wave of populist sentiment and dissatisfaction with liberal elites pushing multiculturalism, open borders, and a radical “green” environmentalist agenda, dissatisfaction that was so well capitalized on by Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

‘White Rights’ Get Radio Host Fired

  • Georgia “Peach” got the boot from a conservative-leaning AM radio station in California after acknowledging that “white genocide” is for real. Apparently, discussion of “white rights” is just too politically incorrect for some to stomach.

In yet another indication that political correctness is stifling free speech and the First Amendment in America, an outspoken conservative local talk radio host was terminated recently as a direct result of her controversial political views.

Yes, There Is a Crisis at the Southern Border

  • American Free Press Issue 19 & 20 extensively covered the situation at America’s southern border with three articles. Together, they make clear that there is, indeed, a crisis at the border.

Both Sides of the Border Need to Be Safeguarded
The crisis along the southern border between the United States and Mexico continues to spiral out of control as thousands of migrants attempt to illegally enter the United States on a daily basis, many with entirely fraudulent claims and documentation.