AFP Articles

‘Barbarians’ Sack Sweden

  • Bombings, rapes, and assaults are rising as multiculturalism fails.

The once stable, prosperous, and homogeneous nation of Sweden has seen steadily rising levels of violence, crime including rape, and, shockingly, bombings and explosions in recent years, as unchecked migration and nationally suicidal policies have entirely transformed the Scandinavian nation.

New Seton Hall Report Exposé Details of Bush Torture Program

  • In newly released “Torture Memos,” Abu Zubaydah reveals the barbarity of U.S. “enhanced interrogations.” Yes, it’s torture.

A recently published report highlights in graphic detail the barbarous “enhanced interrogation” techniques developed and administered by the CIA against various detainees under President George W. Bush in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the initiation of the Global War on Terror.

Faux Conservatives Being Challenged

A burgeoning movement on the dissident right comprised of America-first nationalists concerned with immigration, changing demographics, disastrous foreign entanglements, and globalism are on a mission to publicly confront, challenge, and expose the mainstream conservative establishment epitomized by figures such as Charlie Kirk of Turning Points USA (TPUSA) and Ben Shapiro of “The Daily Wire,” among others.

Another Deranged Neo-Bolshevik Is Punished for Violent Attacks

A radical leftist protester has pleaded guilty to violently striking another man in the face with a PVC pipe during an August 2018 anti-ICE protest in downtown Portland, Ore. near its historic City Hall.

William Pierce, now 34, pleaded guilty last month to a second-degree assault charge stemming from the violent encounter, and is facing a three-year jail sentence, minus time served, according to local reports.

Feds Finally Start Jailing Neo-Bolshevik Terrorists

On Nov. 1, a violent antifa extremist was sentenced to six years in prison for striking another man in the head with a baton during a protest in Portland, Ore. in June of this year. Protests in Portland in recent years have seen shocking levels of political violence, largely committed by radical leftwing extremists and members of antifa, who often use masks to conceal their identity and violently assault their perceived political opponents without provocation.

Going Soft on crime is dangerous

  • A violent offender who killed a mother and child should never have been out of prison.

A young child and a mother of two killed earlier this year by a serial criminal who was repeatedly given breaks by the criminal justice system has many concerned about the notion of criminal justice reform, long promoted by Democrats and most recently by President Donald Trump and GOP leaders.