AFP Articles

Fake News Exposed: ABC Reporter Punished for Telling the Truth

  • An undercover video got ABC News’s David Wright reassigned for comments about fake news and his bosses.

ABC News suspended veteran political correspondent David Wright after undercover footage was released of the award-winning journalist criticizing the powerful mainstream news and entertainment network and proclaiming his “socialist” political leanings.

Rash of Leftist Terror Targeting Conservatives Spreads Across U.S.

  • Liberal media ignores another attack on Trump supporters in Florida.

A deranged, Trump-hating radical drove his vehicle into a voter registration tent set up by local Republicans in Jacksonville, Fla. on the afternoon of Saturday, Feb. 8, motivated by his contempt for President Donald Trump.

Gregory Timm, 27, was arrested by Jacksonville Sheriff’s officers shortly after the vehicular attack. He stands accused of two counts of aggravated assault, criminal mischief, and driving without a license.

America First!

  • True conservatives are challenging the mainstream elites of “Conservative Inc.”

The civil war raging within the conservative movement in America is only growing stronger, as a younger, high-energy populist movement strictly dedicated to an America-first ideology continues to challenge the establishment GOP and mainstream conservative movement in a major way.

Peaceful Rally Sends Strong Message

  • Americans of all walks of life gather in droves—peacefully—for second Amendment rights.

Despite the hysterical headlines emanating from some of the leading purveyors of fake news and fear mongering from local, state, and national political leaders, the pro-Second Amendment rally in Richmond, Va. on Jan. 20 at the state’s capitol grounds was an amazing success.