AFP Articles

Media Hatemongers

  • Dishonest coverage of “racism” designed to instigate conflict.

The mainstream mass media, that coterie of dishonest and malicious outlets who President Donald Trump has powerfully characterized as “the enemy of the people,” appears intent on inciting a race war, eliminating any form of dissent from the prevailing politically correct narrative, and destroying the basic standards and symbols of traditional America.

The Lootin’ & the Lyin’

Nationwide multi-racial protests quickly devolved into widespread looting, vandalism, arson, and violence in the immediate aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man with a lengthy criminal record, while being arrested by Minneapolis police on May 25. The sometimes violent demonstrations led to the destruction of entire neighborhoods, business districts, and other private and public property in cities across the country.


  • The plot to sabotage Trump and frame Flynn may have started with Obama. Biden, Schiff, the FBI, and the CIA are all implicated in coordinated scheme.

Following the announcement on May 7 that the U.S. Justice Department would drop criminal charges against former National Security Adviser and Donald Trump insider Gen. Michael Flynn, new revelations demonstrate that the plot to undermine President Trump and his incoming administration went straight to the top of the Obama White House.

Feds Stymie Suit By 9/11 Families

  • Trump backtracks on promise to release concealed documents on Saudis.

The U.S. Justice Department, leading intelligence officials, and several other senior officials insisted in federal court recently that releasing documents relating to the 9/11 terrorist attacks would jeopardize and harm national security, despite President Trump’s promises to families of 9/11 victims that previously concealed documents would be made available to assist in their civil case against the Saudi government, which was first filed in 2017.

Virus Viceroy

  • Is Bill Gates the most powerful global health voice?

Bill Gates, the billionaire tech mogul turned leading advocate for global public health meddling, has come under scrutiny in recent weeks for his promotion of possible mandatory vaccines and other stern measures to combat the Covid-19 viral outbreak.