There Is A Safe Way To Open The Economy Back Up Again-- And Then There Is The Republican Way... Which Could Bring On Curve Steepening, Economic Depression And Food Shortages

I started listening to Chris Martenson's daily coronavirus podcasts in late January and the posting them at DWT a few weeks later. Lucky for me and for some of the readers. Because of Martsenson's warnings I got an early understanding of what this pandemic was going to be like-- and what I could do to protect myself and my family and friends. Long before it was too late, we all had N-99 and N-95 respirator masks. I bought 3 months worth of root vegetables, pasta, dried beans, grain, cooking oil, paper goods, bottled water, etc.

Trump, the Enigma

Oddly, with Trump having come out against non-Anglo Saxons, Muslims, immigrants, people on welfare, foreign aid, government support of the Arts, environmentalists, ACA, media, civil rights groups, anti-nuke protesters, Meryl Streep, the progressive income tax, and Thomas Friedman, the neoliberals’ performing flea, he hasn’t attacked one of the Republicans’ favorite and time-worn whipping boys:  organized labor.

Why Labor Day Matters

Here’s an experiment to try this holiday weekend. Quiz your friends, family and acquaintances on the meaning of Labor Day. You might be surprised by the answers you hear. To many, the true meaning of Labor Day has been unfortunately lost―it’s merely a three-day vacation weekend, unless you work in retail, in which case it is, ironically, a day of work and “special” sales.

Will Democratic Constituency Groups Finally Start Holding Conservative Democrats In Congress Accountable For Their Bad Votes? Ask Kathleen Rice

I was born in NYC and my parents moved to Nassau County when I was a kid so they could raise me and my sisters in the suburbs. That's a typical story for folks who live in Nassau County today. My folks moved to Valley Stream first and then out to Roosevelt, both of which are in NY-04, the Nassau County district represented by conservative New Dem Kathleen Rice. And Rice, a former Nassau County District Attorney, has a similar story.