
Israel Deports Palestinian Human Rights Lawyer, After Holding Him Without Charge

Israel expelled a Palestinian human rights lawyer from Jerusalem to France, citing an alleged terror threat from the 37-year-old. The move has been condemned by Paris, which has labelled the decision as being a violation of International Law, but what else does this incident say about the predicament of Palestinians from the Holy City? Salah Read More...

Criminalizing Resistance Violates International Law

The truth about stone throwing as a form of resistance is that it is not an equal encounter between the thrower and the thrower’s quarry. Do not however minimize the power of stone throwing as stones can gravely injure or kill their intended targets. With that said in all of the almost thirty years that stone throwing has been officially utilized by Palestinians as an active form of resistance, fortunately to date very few Israelis have died from being hit with a stone (11 killed).