
Our Vanishing World: Glaciers

Something is causing the world’s glaciers and mountain ice fields to melt. And, despite your first thought, it is not the ongoing climate catastrophe.
It does not matter where on Earth the glaciers and mountain ice fields are located, they are all melting. Moreover, the projected time frame for some of them to disappear altogether is ‘imminently’; that is, within years. And for the rest: a few decades (although that projection is being routinely revised downwards, depending on the glacier).

Liberals Use RCMP in Attempt to Silence Critics of their Foreign Policy

On Tuesday two RCMP agents came to my house. Two large men in suits asked for me and when my partner said I wasn’t there they asked who she was.
Why didn’t they email or call me to talk or set up a meeting? If they have my address, the RCMP certainly has my email, Facebook, Skype or phone number. My partner asked for their badges, took their photo and asked them to leave the hallway they had entered.

Western “Progressives” Support Yet Another Color Revolution in Hong Kong

Misinformed “progressive” western “activists” and pundits are putting down their remote controls and organic smoothies just long enough to tweet out that Hong Kong protesters need to be supported as paragons of virtue and justice. Some have even blogged and bloviated about the importance of these protests as a struggle for freedom against “dictatorship.”

Patrick Casey - ADL Push YouTube Into Deleting Allsup, Vdare, AIM & Strike Red Ice, Metokur

Henrik is joined by Patrick Casey from AIM (American Identity Movement) to talk about the continuation of the aggressive YouTube purge. The ADL (Anti Defamation League) is the pressure group behind lobbying Google/YouTube to remove content they don't like. We discuss the short term implications of the censorship, upcoming lawsuits and long term strategy to be able to continue to share dissenting views in an era of unprecedented assaults on free speech.
A video version of this show is available here.