absolute divine simplicity

DEBATE REVIEW: Trent Horn Vs Jay Dyer on Natural Theology – Fr Dcn, Orthodox Shahada, David

Today we will be reviewing the Trent Horn debate over natural theology. I will try to get to the other half of my note cards I didn’t get to explain as well as showing how the Trinity and the theophanic view of the natural order is precluded in Thomistic natural theology. We will go deeper […]

Roman Catholicism, Islam & Greek Philosophical Presuppositions – Montana Lecture – Jay Dyer (Half)

 This is the first half of the Montanica Lecture I delivered covering the similarities and patterns in the divine simplicity doctrines of Roman Catholicism, Islam and Eunomius. We look at Actrus Purus, the divine ousia as seen in Eunomius Vs the Cappadocians, the doctrine of the energies and more! The full talk is available […]

Debate! Byzantine Catholic Apologist “Benito” Vs Jay Dyer: Councils & The Pope & More

Today we will open up the discord for debate and Q n A for pagans, atheists, Roman Catholics, Muslims, etc. to come and offer their objections. Today a pagan showed up in the first few minutes for discussion and then deeper theological and philosophical issues of Actus Purus & modal collapse, then universals in Thomism. Then […]

The Monarchy of the Father & Eternal Generation of the Son

By: Jay Dyer “I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the […]
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Universalism? Origenism Refuted – Jay, Snek, David, Fr Dcn Ananias

 We gather to cover the system of Origenism and his universalism, as well as the hellenic philosophical presuppositions that undergirded his system and why 3 ecumenical councils condemned him and his works. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in […]

Amazon Synod, Council of Florence & Oriental “Orthodox” – Jay Dyer + DavidTRM

Exorcist stream to follow later tonight at 7PM and was delayed due to Internet outages in my area! David joins me to discuss recent issues in Orthodox theology, such as the Oriental “Orthodox,” the natures of Christ and the issue of two wills and two energies, pitfalls in Orthodoxy for new converts, the Council of Florence, traps those who are Orthodox should avoid and more! HIs channel has some great videos and talks and is here. Live at 3PM EST