Aaron Schock

Finally A Post About Aaron Schock That Isn't About GOP Closet Cases!

"Will it play in Peoria?" means one thing for the rest of the country, but something a lot more personal for Republican Congressman Aaron Schock. Although Schock was born in Minnesota, his family moved to Peoria when he was in the 4th grade. He graduated from Richwoods in 2000 and from Peoria's Bradley University in 2002 and was serving on the Peoria School Board by the age of 19.

Teabaggers, Their Tiny Brains Filled With Hate Talk Radio Nonsense, Are Now Coming After Republican Congressmen

From the beginning of the Republic, the kind of conservative assholes who now call themselves Tea Partiers-- but were originally known as Loyalists or Tories and took up arms against the Patriots who fought the Revolutionary War-- were not just willing, but eager to see democratic government die. And they still are today. In the video above between mainstream conservative Aaron Schock and his constituents, including more than a few brainless teabaggers, the 'baggers demand that Schock commit to voting against any bill that includes funding for the Affordable Care Act.