
Who is the Better Identity Coalition?

The Better Identity Coalition has issued two reports aimed at guiding state and federal lawmakers in the United States. Who is guiding the hand of the BIC? In December 2022, the Better Identity Coalition released a set of policy recommendations for all 50 U.S. state government officials focused on “ways governments can improve the privacy Read More...

Public health or private wealth? How digital vaccine passports pave way for unprecedented surveillance capitalism

The titans of global capitalism are exploiting the Covid-19 crisis to institute social credit-style digital ID systems across the West. The death by starvation of Etwariya Devi, a 67-year-old widow from the rural Indian state of Jharkhand, might have passed without notice had it not been part of a more widespread trend. Like 1.3 billion of her fellow Indians, Devi had been pushed to enroll in a biometric digital ID system called Aadhaar in order to access public services, including […]