Deep State: 18 Years After 911

Paul Craig Roberts has brought a new focus to 911, the involvement of former FBI Director Robert Mueller in the coverup. Dr Roberts also highlighted the recently released four year study on the collapse of WTC Tower 7. It was a 47 story building that was never hit by a plane, yet fell down in 6.5 seconds. University of Alaska and Nanjing scholars concluded that Tower 7 could only have been taken down by a controlled demolition.
The only persons with access to Towers 1, 2 and 7 was Larry Silverstein who had Bibi Netanyahu on speed dial in his cell phone.

Ten years after 7/7: 13 holes in government & media account of 2005 London Bombings

This 30 minute video was produced by British people whose work I value.

The above was the fourth in a series of videos on the 7-7-2005 London subway bombings.
The whole playlist is below.

I wrote this about 911.
911: Short And Powerful Questions

9/11 Redux: US Officials Now Claim Afghan ISIS as Latest ‘Threat to Attack the West’

Rather conveniently, the epic Global War on Terror narrative comes full circle for the Pentagon’s war planners. Just as domestic and international political pressure began building against the US-led indefinite occupation of Afghanistan, a likely arch-enemy manifests itself in Central Asia – ensuring the pretext for further intervention.

Judaism Incorporated Requires Cultural Corruption

Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy was killed on the night of the California primary in 1968. He would have probably defeated Richard Nixon if the Powers That Be had decided to let him live. To illustrate corruption in American courts, the media and law enforcement I cite the fact that RFK was shot in the back at close range from an upward angle. Gun powder burns prove the assassin was close to the ground behind the candidate. That means Sirhan could not have killed Senator Kennedy.

U.S. Federal Grand Jury Set to Hear 9/11 Evidence on Controlled Demolition

Isaac Davis
Waking Times

The 9/11 truth movement has been active and persistent for over 17 years, and while mainstream media won’t touch the story, and while most Americans refuse to even consider the possibility that the attacks were an inside job, the actual evidence supporting controlled demolition theory is so convincing that a legitimate federal grand jury investigation will address this very question.

Dark Overlord Hackers Threaten to ‘Burn Down the Deep State’ with New 9/11 Document Dump

WHAT AN INCREDIBLE COINCIDENCE: WTC owner Larry Silverstein took out two brand new insurance policies against ‘two terrorist attacks’ on New York’s World Trade Center complex just before the attacks of 9/11, and claimed to have famously given the order to “pull” WTC Building 7, which then collapsed into its own footprint in 6.5 seconds.