60 Minutes


4.9/5 (10) If you've been following the news lately, you're probably thinking that the world just cannot get any crazier, but each passing week the news seems to indicate something big is afoot, and one of…
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Media Bias Helps Promote Suffering

CBS’s 60 Minutes often provides important information about vulnerable and suffering Americans. Last Sunday, the program centered on billionaires sharing their wealth with the needy and forgotten people in some states deprived of health care, though the 60 Minutes segment doesn’t use the word deprived.
Where 60 Minutes fails in the health care segment involves not informing the audience about the real circumstances leading to the exclusion of health care services we all have a right to enjoy.

Our State of Disunion Imperils Safety and Life

President Obama’s State of the Union laid out the awful state of disunion in our country. “America’s destiny is imperiled by a political system festering in malice, gridlock and in the grip of the rich and the powerful,” Obama said. In actuality, not since the Civil War era has our disunion been so strong.  That disunion was only slowly dissolved after a grisly war, leaving desolation of life, limb, and land.

Alan Gross’s Improbable Tales on 60 Minutes

In a dramatic segment on CBS News’ 60 Minutes titled “The Last Prisoner of the Cold War,” former United States Agency for International Development (USAID) subcontractor Alan Gross tells of horrifying experiences in captivity: “They threatened to hang me, they threatened to pull out my fingernails, they said I’d never see the light of day.”

60 Minutes Provides Platform for US Military to Hype Imaginary China and Russia Threat

The CBS news program 60 Minutes on Sunday aired an extended segment titled “The Battle Above” that relayed the concerns of various US military personnel that China and Russia could pose a threat to the vast system of American satellites that are used for military purposes and for commercial use by banks, telecommunications companies, farmers and others.