2020 presidential election

Not Just Señor Trumpanzee-- The WHOLE DAMN PARTY... "There Is No Bottom To The Barrel Of Vitriol"

Yesterday, House Democrats-- without buy-in from any of the Democrats' conservative establishment leadership-- voted against Al Green's resolution to begin a formal investigation into impeaching Trump by sending his resolution to the Judiciary Committee to die. The Republicans and the Pelosi-faithful voted 332-95 against impeachment.

North Carolina-- Mucho Importante

Thom Tillis is WAY too scared to ever criticize Trump againThere will be a huge focus on North Carolina next year. First of all it's a swing state that Obama won in 2008 and where Trump is underwater in polling now (-3 according to the June Morning Consult update). There's virtually no path to victory for Trump without North Carolina's 15 electoral votes.

Worthwhile 2020 Prediction-- Trump Loses

There were some people who didn’t predict a Democratic takeover of the House in 2018, but they were imbeciles. The Democrats were on the way to benefitting from a strong ant-Trump/anti-Republican wave. There was no blue wave and there’s not likely to be one this cycle either (unless a really inspiring Democratic ticket is on the table— Bernie + Elizabeth Warren, for example).