2016 presidential race

Political Whores Work Hard For The Money-- But Breaking The Law Is Still Breaking The Law-- The Story Of Cambridge Analytica

It was lonely when we started writing about Cambridge Analytica and the Mercers. It was before they had connected-- perhaps "taken over" is a better way to put it-- the chaotic, unfocussed Trumpy-The-Clown campaign. I was about to be the co-honoree of a dinner by a university back east.

"We Can Add Fake Voters, Subtract Voters From The Voter Record, Vote Multiple Times..."

The video above shows how hackers can steal an election. The video right below shows how a Russian hacker stole over s hundred million dollars by stealing credit card numbers online. That video below, by some people from the Department of Justice, shows how the Feds caught the notorious Russian computer hacker Roman Seleznev-- the person responsible for over 400 point of sale hacks and at least $169 million in credit card fraud.

Will the Democratic Party Finally "Get Right" on Trade?

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama discuss exiting from NAFTA in the 2008 Cleveland debateby Gaius PubliusThe mainstream wing of the Democratic Party, it seems, has not learned the lesson of "job-killing trade deals" since the last election. But all is not lost on the subject trade. If Trump gets his way — yes, this is a positive story about a Trump policy — the country may see the end of something that should never have been started in the first place. The Trump administration is threatening to kill NAFTA. Will the threat succeed?

The Resistance, the #Resistance and Harvey Weinstein

Offered ironically. The roughest waters lie ahead of us. by Gaius Publius"For certain of their leaders, modern-day liberalism is a way of rationalizing and exercising class power."     –Thomas FrankThe real resistance occurred in 2016. It failed in both parties.     –Yours truly There's something greatly troubling about what the media-fronted #Resistance has morphed into, but I'm having trouble writing about it (it's lightly touched here: "A Nation in Crisis, Again").

The DC Dems Should Learn That Working Class Voters Are Not Eager To Re-Embrace Status Quo Candidates

I find Robert Costa's reporting for the Washington Post worthwhile; and his contributions on MSNBC are better than most. He's a 31 year old reporter who comes from a rock background in the Philly suburbs. Only thing... his background wasn't just rock. It was also conservative. When I first noticed him he was the relatively sane writer at the right-wing National Review.

Hillary Was The Worst Choice The Democrats Could Have Run-- And She's Not Done Yet

by Nancy OhanianDan Merica's CNN report yesterday-- New Clinton book blasts Sanders for 'lasting damage' in 2016 race, castng Bernie "as an unrealistic over-promiser." Merica wrote that in the book being released next week Clinton claims Bernie's "attacks against her during the primary caused 'lasting damage'