
When Will It Be Time To Bring Out The Guillotines Again?

You can't imagine what a humongous fan I am of the French Revolution. I also love New Order songs... especially "Age of Consent," so this video above-- Oh God! No guillotines but, by the end, you get the point where all that excess it shows was leading. The French came to refer to Marie Antoinette as Madame Déficit and saw her as profligate self-serving, promiscuous (with Count Axel von Fersen, who looks very hot in the clip above) and reactionary.

What The Paradise Papers Tell Us About The Super-Rich

The so-called Paradise Papers may sound familiar – leaked documents from a law firm that specializes in offshore services reveal how the global elite avoids paying taxes. Even the name has the same ring to it as last year’s Panama Papers expose. But the Paradise Papers are different, reflecting the complexity of the global offshore tax system.

Les 1 % les plus riches possèdent désormais davantage que les 99 % restants

Le rapport d’Oxfam de 2015 l’avait prédit, c’est chose faite. Enfin ! Les 1% les plus riches détiennent plus de richesses que les 99% autres.  De quoi sabrer le champagne, c’est historique ! Les pauvres, les sans dents, les gueux ont encore un peu plus la tête sous l’eau et l’auront ad vitam æternam, quelle belle nouvelle ! Le système […]