
1 in 45,000

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths: That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 – not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. Aren’t you glad we shut down the world! We have known almost since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic that young people face much lower risks from Covid than […]

U.K. : Covid Vaccines Increased Risk of Hospitalization, 6-9 Months Following Jab. Surge in Hospitalization Rates per 100,000

by Igor Chudov, Global Research: SUMMARY: UKHSA’s report shows that instead of “protecting” people from Covid-19, Covid vaccines significantly increase the risk of hospitalization in months 7-9 after vaccination. publishes regular “vaccine effectiveness reports.” The reports were designed to have several statistical sections meant to highlight vaccine successes. Funnily, many sections had to be discontinued as “vaccine […]

Spot Price Too Low? Record Demand For Silver, 200,000,000 Ounce Deficit

from Silver Doctors: “…the paper spot price is something that…” Tyler Wall with Patrick V. on Silver Bullion TV SBTV (https://www.silverbullion.com.sg/SBTV) spoke with Dr. Tyler Wall, Co-founder and CEO of SD Bullion, about silver deficits, rising premiums and why the monetary system is a recipe for disaster if it continues on this path of money printing and debt accumulation. […]

WORLD WAR 3? NATO Suddenly Increases High-Readiness Forces From 40,000 to 300,000

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has suddenly increased their rapid response forces from 40,000 to 300,000 as the globalists push forward to World War 3 because of their blind imperial hubris. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made the announcement on Monday in what he calls “the biggest overhaul of collective defense […]