DEMS WARN, Pack court, riots. Pelosi, IMPEACH Trump & Barr. NANCY-BOT system reboot

Via NY Post (…
President Trump on Monday predicted that Democrats moving to impeach him in an effort to block a Senate vote to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would backfire and Republicans would win back the House.
The president was asked during an interview on “Fox & Friends” about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying that Democrats have options to stop a Senate vote on Ginsburg’s replacement and wouldn’t rule out impeachment.
“I think my numbers will go up, I think we’ll win the entire election, I think we will win back the House. I think we’re going to win the House. I really do. I think we’re going to win the House anyway,” Trump said.
Trump expressed surprise that the Democrats are threatening to impeach him for doing what he has the right to do.
