The March Through the Institutions Has Set the Stage for a Color Revolution

The March Through the Institutions Has Set the Stage for a Color Revolution

The public schools, and probably also the private ones, are teaching your children self-loathing and loathing of you, their parents. The goal of critical race theory and associated activism, now being taught to five-year olds, is to motivate white children to despise their systemic racist parents and be good Antifa members.  Vote Democrat and bring on more such social justice.

The same thing is occurring in the federal government.  President Trump ordered a halt to the Obama-regime-initiated anti-white propaganda forced down the throats of white federal employees, but the State Department, Environmental Protection Agency (which no longer protects the environment), and the Veterans Administration openly defy President Trump’s order.  Anti-white propagandists, not President Trump, control the federal government.

While the military/security complex focused the white population on “foreign enemies,” domestic enemies seized control of American institutions.  No people can survive such total insouciance.
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