President Trump is the most Anti-War President in US history [Video]

Rush Limbaugh offered some amazing analysis about the smear piece published unilaterally by The Atlantic late Thursday night. That piece claims that President Trump called fallen World War I soldiers at an American military cemetery near Paris, France “losers” for being killed in action.
Those who have followed the doings of the President know this is simply not possible. President Trump has rebuilt the military, drawn down needless troop deployments significantly, (though many of us wish him to go farther, particularly in Syria and Europe), and he has refused to take American forces into combat situations that do not directly threaten the security of the United States. At the same time, he loves the soldiers, and most of them know this and appreciate what he does for them.
Further, President Trump has gone very far in fixing the cesspool of bureacracy that bedeviled the Veterans’ Administration, and has worked very hard to make sure veterans get the best of care in the quickest possible time. The gratitude expressed by the veterans for this care is palpable.
The social nets are full of this story now, and in fact on YouTube, any searches for veterans expressing gratitude to the President for helping are difficult to find, and there are a deluge of videos making the similar charge that President Trump did indeed disrespect the fallen Americans in France. With a little careful searching, we did find some reality:

And once we got the search string set correctly, YouTube responded with many such clips, but the first search results absolutely buried any good references that the site was full of only five days ago.
“He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, from Nineteen Eighty-Four
Rush Limbaugh analyzed this on Friday and we lifted two sections of that analysis which we will present here in a clip that combines the thoughts. It is worth listening to.
For those who do not have time to do so immediately, Rush makes these points:

  • President Trump is intensely disliked by the leaders of the “military-industrial complex” warned about by President Eisenhower.
  • The use of American forces in wars and actions that are not directly relevant to the security of the United States has been extremely limited under this President.
  • No new military actions have taken place under his leadership, and two very significant ones (Iran and North Korea) have been thwarted by a combination of strong leadership and a refusal to overreact.
  • While an antiwar President, Trump is no pacifist. He simply sees the military as not to be used except in the event of a direct threat to the United States. North Korea is not a threat, nor is Syria (though we have troops there, many have left), and Afghanistan is irrelevant as well (we are working on leaving that place too.) Perfection? No. Progress? Definitely.
  • John Bolton, a man not with warm fuzzy feelings about the President, denied that such comments were ever said by the President.
  • Sarah Sanders tweeted this:

No Title

The malicious lies about @realDonaldTrump from anonymous sources in the Atlantic are disgusting.This story is an insult to journalism. I would know, because I was there->

However, taking a page from Trump’s own playbook perhaps, The Atlantic is digging in. However, the original claim, reportedly stated by four “unnamed sources” has still not been followed up by those witnesses stepping forward. Instead, the magazine is citing named people who report the failure of the President to follow through with things like writing a $25,000 check to help with military survivor benefits for one Sargeant Dillon Baldridge’s family. Sgt Baldridge was KIA in Afghanistan.
The Atlantic believes it has a good story to stop everything, and the coordination with YouTube and other Big Tech is really swift and really tightly organized, as were the very sophisticated lighting displays cast on the Trump Hotel in Washington DC.
Limbaugh also notes that this story arose because last week the story that was gaining ground was Nancy Pelosi’s “Salongate” behavior, and some very poor performances, even strange performances by Joe Biden on his campaign swings. Mr. Biden is on video for repeated lapses in thinking and slurred speech as well as a consistent refusal to answer reporters’ questions except for the most softball-pitched variety.
For Rush, all of this is happening because the Democrats know they haven’t got a winning ticket. But the Dems are powerful. They have the alliance of most of the media, Hollywood, the rioters and a lot of people who are intellectually dishonest with themselves about what is going on in their country.

The same thing happened in Russia before the 1917 Revolution, and the same kind of people getting crazy in the United States now were getting crazy in Russia back then.
Hopefully grace and wisdom will prevail for enough of us to stave this off, but with two months to go before November, a story like this is only going to be exceeded. The race may well be a test of stubbornly holding on to what we knew was true before the conventions. Now… it is silly season MAX, and one cannot possibly know what is coming next.
Hang on to your seats and your souls, America.
