Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPresident Psychopath Adds Line Of Caskets To His Business Profile!I can certainly see this really happening if it hasn't secretly happened already. It could even be his first successful business venture! After all, he's doing everything in his power to grow the customer base! Trump Caskets just might succeed where Trump Airlines, Trump Wines, Trump The Game, Trump Steaks, Trump University, his own marriages, and so many others have failed. Trump even failed in the casino business which, let's face it, should be impossible to do, but Trump found a way! I have no doubt that his Russian investors will be very pleased.Prediction: For Trump's next business venture, he will partner up with his sycophantic donor friend, Mike Lindell aka the My Pillow guy just as soon as Lindell diversifies into body bags. Will the venture be called Trump Body Bags or will it be called My Body Bag? Stay tuned. On thing's for sure, Jared Kushner will proclaim "All the body bags are ours!"
