The COVID-19 Bullshit: Brainwashing The Masses By The Use Of Ridiculous "Catch Phrases" Such As "The New Normal" ! Must See Video

I have been keeping tabs on what the criminals have to say about their fraud pandemic by periodically watching the Jew spew media up here in central Canada, and I could not help but to notice the constant use of 'catch phrases' that are constantly said again and again in attempts to brainwash the masses! Everyone I have met these days are suddenly using the idiotic phrases "social distancing" and "the new normal" which to me is so disgusting... People need to understand that the brainwashing is now so overwhelming that these 'phrases' are here to stay and will be  used constantly to reinforce the criminal's desires to program the masses into what THEY want....If you honestly want to see  how bad it is with this 'social engineering" through the use of constant propaganda and catch phrases, I want to present the following very important video that another astute reader sent to me earlier today that originally was put out by Youtube user "LA Meth Witch" but has now been mirrored by Peekay Censored out of Australia... This one is entitled: "The New Normal - If This Doesn't Wake You Up Nothing Will", and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  OK, Many may say that this constant ramming into empty headed people's minds the same propaganda only happens on the "major" propaganda Jew spew media networks.. But I was watching the local propaganda aka "News" from right here in central Canada and even THE "News anchors" and "reporters" were all using these same phrases as well!  Propaganda at its best, indeed!Yes, this is all being done ON PURPOSE, for the fact that the criminals in charge want to have everyone so heavily brainwashed with their bullshit, that even after this "pandemic" is over, these catch phrases and the entire concept of bullshit "social distancing" will be here to stay permanently!I hope that everyone does heed the important message put forward by the producers of that video.... Gullible people out there are being so heavily brainwashed and programmed with this COVID-19 bullshit that the "new normal" when this will be "over" soon will be enslavement and accepting what ever the criminals in charge want for us including mass vaccinations....  I do hope that people are sensible enough to turn off the propaganda bullshit, and start thinking and NOT getting wrapped up into parroting the "catch phrases" that these bastards want!  New normal, my ass!More to comeNTS