Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahLet this twisted evil little psychopath be King. Yes, I said it. Let him be da King. Let him roam around wearing his crown to cover up his freakshow hair. Let him roam around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in his gold chains and velvet bathrobes with his plastic wife and plastic daughter-wife and his braindead sons. Let him command all his freakshow aides like Stephen Miller, Larry Kudlow, and Kellyanne. Let him snort all the crushed Adderall and roam around sniffling and mumbling to himself. Let him do it all. Just seal off the White House from the outside world. Seal them all off from humanity. Include the cabinet. No communication in or out, not even a garbage pick up. We'll just leave trays of hamberders and ice cold fries at the gate. Let's officially make the White House what it has been since January 20, 2017; an insane asylum, a mental hospital for a bunch of mentally incompetent Republican freaks, maniacs, and traitors. Call it Trump Palace 1600. We can build a real White House somewhere else. End this before it ends us.