Syria: US urges opposition to talk, but can't cut allied flow of weapons

Two news articles regarding Syria-  disingenuous  comes to mindUS urges Syrian opposition to join peace talks

The United States is trying to persuade (as if they are independent?) a key Syrian opposition group to drop its refusal to join planned peace talks, saying its participation is essential, a US official said Tuesday.     The Syrian National Council, which is the biggest bloc within the Syrian opposition coalition, said at the weekend it would not attend the talks planned for next month and would quit the umbrella group if it does. "There have been many ups and downs in this process. And that's not unexpected given how challenging the situation is on the ground," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. "But we continue to press for the opposition to have a representative body at the Geneva conference, " she told reporters. US ambassador to Syria

 Robert Ford had been working closely with the opposition  (Yes, Rob Ford has been working closely all along. From the earliest days of the destabilization. Creating the conditions for the destruction of Syria, including weapons delivery) "to make sure they know from our team that it's essential and important that they attend a conference," Psaki said.

"For our part, the United States are deeply committed to try to set a date very soon," Kerry said. Kerry: He argued there had to be a deal for a transitional government, as President Bashar al-Assad "has lost the legitimacy necessary to be able to be a cohesive force that could bring people together.

 So says John Kerry. And we all know what that is worth, right? Recalling that even Russian President Putin calls Kerry a liar on Syria

Putin said: "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad." John Kerry lies. Stating the obvious and moving on.

U.S. allies let funds flow to al Qaeda in Syria

 The United States has had limited success (?)cutting off funding to the al Qaeda-linked fighters and foreign jihadists flowing into Syria — in part because of a lack of cooperation on the part of Middle Eastern allies, Intelligence and national security community sources say.

Oh, the hand wringing that must be going on in Washington. It would seem to me the US has done nothing to cut off funding to their terrorists. Feels like phony narrative set up. Woe is the US?

 The U.S. can’t shut down bank accounts in Kuwait or Qatar,” the official said. “We can tell them, ‘Look at what this person is doing.’”

Hasn't the US ever heard of sanctions? We know they have. Or do they only apply sanctions in cases where they wish to effect change? And since they don't want really want a change in the funding of AQ.........The approach has worked with variable success over the past decade, during which U.S. authorities have worked closely with counterparts in such nations as Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to choke off streams of cash to al Qaeda’s core leadership in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

 But when it comes to stemming the flow of aid to Salafist and al Qaeda-linked groups inside Syria, the strategy has been less successful suggesting authorities in the Gulf now may see American pressure for such action as less worthy than previous calls to block cash to al Qaeda
