Impotent Republicans Are a Joke—the Democrats Don’t Take Republicans Seriously
Paul Craig Roberts
With the entirety of the presstitute media endeavoring to turn second-hand hear-say into an impeachable offense, do not expect to hear any contrary news. Such as:
This on Zero Hedge: Adam Shifty Schiff involved in illegal sodomite drug den EXPOSED:
This on en Volve: BOMBSHELL: Feds Investigating Adam Schiff’s ‘Disturbing Behavior’ At Ed Buck’s Sex House Of Death!:
This on Adam Schiff’s Star Witness Just Admitted Burisma Should Be Investigated For Corruption:
This on : Are Criminal Indictments Forthcoming: “All this suggests criminal deception of the FISA court, coordinated criminal leaks of classified information by U.S. intelligence agencies to disrupt the Trump presidency, the secret use of an asset by U.S. intelligence agencies to entrap a low-level Trump campaign aide, and the entrapment of Flynn, coupled with the criminal alteration of an FBI 302 to at least partially fabricate federal crimes against him.”
This on Barr Says Democrats, Courts Are Engaged in Efforts to Cripple Presidential Power
With the absence of any integrity in the American print and TV media and the large presence of CIA, State Department, and Israel Lobby funded internet sites, Americans have no sure-fire way of knowing what information can be trusted. We do know that nothing said on CNN, MSNBC, NPR or written in the New York Times and Washington Post can be believed.
The question that needs asking and an answer is: What are the Democrats up to? Why is the Democratic Party, once a representative of the working class, helping the military/security deep state unseat a president elected by the working class? Why has the major figure in the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, defined the American working class as “the Trump deplorables”?
When you start thinking along these lines other puzzling questions come to mind. For example, why does the leadership of the Democratic Party seem to be in the hands of feminists and people of color on one side and crooks like Joe Biden on the other. What holds a party this naturtally divided together?
Why does an anti-white odor emanate from the Democratic Party, especially an anti-white heterosexual male ordor? Why are all of Epstein’s pedophile clients Democrats? Has the Democratic Party become the party of immigrant-invaders and sexual perverts?
Republicans come across as impotent, powerless, and stupid. They have stood there impotently while two of their more effective fundraisers and political advisers, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, were framed in broad daylight by the utterly corrupt Russiagate special prosecutor Robert Mueller and sentenced to prison. This never happens to Democrats. Only to Republicans. The Epstein case has disappeared.
Mueller was empowered to investigate Trump’s cooperation with Russian influence on his election. No one gave Mueller the task of investigating the long ago and unrelated financial affairs of Manafort and Stone.
Trump with the weakest response against an impeachment devoid of any evience is afraid to pardon Mueller’s victims, people convicted of offenses that are unrelated to the Russiagate investigation. The entire purpose of the false convictions of Manafort and Stone is to prove that Republicans are too scared to protect their own. Mueller’s purpose was to break-up the ranks of Trump supporters and turn them against one another. Once one runs for the exit, the rest follow.
Trump first let his National Security Advisor, General Flynn, the only sensible appointment Trump ever made, be falsely prosecuted by Mueller. Gen. Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was framed in broad daylight while President Trump stood there sucking his thumb.The word went out everywhere in Republican circles: DO NOT Compromise Yourself By Standing By President Trump. He will not rescue you from false prosecution.
Manofort and Stone are Trumps’ latest victims. Note that the only victims are Republicans. No Democrat victims.
Barr’s indictments of the perpetrators of the Russiagate hoax are still missing.
Does Donald Trump only fight for himself? If so, we will see if he can by himself save himself.
Is Trump unable to fight because his own team belongs to the deep state?
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