New Low: US Deny Visas to Key Russian Diplomats for UN General Assembly

According to a statement today by the Russian Foreign Ministry, the US government has failed to provide visas to key Russian diplomats on their way to attend the United Nations General Assembly this week in New York City.
US officials claim that Russia failed to provide visa documents on time, but this claim was flatly refuted by the Russian ministry. Snubbed diplomats included Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the Russian upper house’s foreign affairs committee. He did not hold back his scorn for Washington’s underhanded red-tape stunt, stating:
“Violating its commitments to the international community, the US side has failed to provide in due time visas to a range of members of the official delegation, including me, and a group of accompanying persons, who intended to travel to New York today for participating in the 74th session of the UNGA. This is an indignant, unexplainable and unjustifiable step.”
21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke with RT News International about the incident and what it represents in terms of the Trump Administration’s now infamous and caustic brand of international relations and the future of the UN. Watch:

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