Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe first Democratic Party debates are hours away, Wednesday and Thursday evenings to be more precise. I know that I'm not the only one who is hoping for serious discussions of issues. I'm also not the only one who is hoping that the various candidates cease with the usual patronizing of voters but I also know that the past is prologue and we're talking about politicians. I'm also hoping that the bullshit meter attached to my TV won't go up in a cloud of smoke. At least I can risk the assumption that the candidates won't spend the valuable time discussing hand and penis size like Republicans do; when they're not falling all over themselves to be the one that mentions love of Ronald Reagan and/or God the most times.Tonight's meme gets to an awful truth: Reagan's Attorney General (among other things) Ed Meese once infamously said "We will turn this country so far to the right, you won't recognize it." He and his fellow Republican goons did just that. In fact, the Republican Party of Reagan's day made Nixon look almost liberal by comparison and it has only gotten worse since then, as the Republican Party has gone full-blown Boys From Brazil. The Democratic Party? Well, meet the new 1980 Republican Party. They've moved so far to the right in order to appease the Republicans that they are now the party that Reagan and Nixon would have to sign up with if they wanted to run for president now and join the Democratic debates this week. Perspective: This is how it is in 2019. I said the same thing here back in 2004 and every year since then. Go ahead Democrats. Shock me. Shock me by actually being Democrats rather than Republican-lite, or worse. My wife has the chicken wire up in place in front of the TV.