Trolling A Trumpanzee In Queen Liz’s Court

by NoahEngland is hardly Camelot these days, and I bet it wasn’t in King Arthur’s time either. Only the plagues have changed. This time, the plague arrived on Air Force One. It was even asked to come. The reaction of those still in their right minds was inevitable so, as a service to DWT readers, I felt that a brief compendium of England’s responses to the Trump State Visit, aka Trump’s Most Excellency Adventure was in order. First up was the above meme I’ve used as a header photo for this post. Note the “crowd.” The British authorities needn’t have worried about Trump getting a big greeting as he arrived.Next up: Who says the English are insensitive? Here is the artwork of a young art student who wanted to make sure Trump got the reception he deserved so he mowed the lawn in a very special way for a very special “president” to see from the air as he approached his destination. Are lawn penises a thing in England? Perhaps. All I know is it’s a good thing the VP wasn’t along for the trip.Thirdly: What Trump State Visit would be complete without a Godzilla-Sized Trump Baby balloon floating over Parliament Square. It’s the biggest version of the Trump Blimp yet!Fourth: Knowing our mentally challenged “president” has serious issues with the name of a certain late senator, an English activist group named Led By Donkeys prepared a nice display for him to see as he drove by Madame Tussauds. I’m sure it was more than enough to melt the wax version of Trump, both the one in the museum and the one in the limo. No doubt the one in the museum looks better and is a wee bit smarter, as well.Fifth: Led By Donkeys was also thoughtful enough to project a portrait of Trumpanzee, right next to the man the English love more. For Trump, it’s all about ratings, so, why not?Sixth: But it was the State Dinner where trolling Trump has really caught on, so far. Trollers of the Trumpanzee have had a field day with the official photos of the grand soiree, aka The Queen’s worst date ever!Compare and Contrast-Trump BYOBs (Trump brings his own burgers, “fit for a fake king.”)Trump finally gets his crown, just as I predicted last week, and, some take home.You know there will be more, much more. Trump’s sad little adventure is a gift to trolls and meme creators around the world. Chris Christie in his beach chair has met its match, in more ways than one.