Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIf, like me, you're "an aging America" and have weakened eyes, you can click on the above cartoon to enlarge it. It's a nice, highly accurate view inside the windows of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Yes, you can make Trumpanzee's fanciful claims of being spied on come true!I've gone with the cartoon for today's Meme Of The Day because it speaks to me about what a "Low IQ" city Washington is. The White House depicted in the cartoon is just the pinnacle of the essence of today's Washington. Just think about the people depicted and know that they are just the best public examples but nowhere near the only examples. They are just the current pinnacle of a great pyramid of idiocy. We've had other versions of the pyramid before and we will have other versions again, but right now, this is the one we have. Judge for yourself where it may rank. Whether you hold the pinnacle right side up or upside down does not matter because, either way, the White House is the center of so many of our troubles and you can see that those current troubles emanate from the point of that big tacky desk in the oval office behind which sits an obese orange ball of tweeting flatulence.OK. Maybe that first sentence of the last paragraph is unfair, and longtime readers know that, above all things, I always long to be fair, no? So, I won't blame the whole city. The truth is that I once lived there, found a lot of intelligent beings, loved the great museums, and even graduated from one of the city's many fine universities. Ah, but the overly meek media who just accept press releases from the worst people the city has to offer without any hard, or even meaningful questioning, every dark corner of the Trumpist "government" (if that's what you insist on calling it), and, of course, the Congress that makes a show of representing us... well, those are an entirely different matter. When you talk about protecting institutions, the vast majority of those of either party apparently don't look at the traditional institutions of good government envisioned by the Founding Fathers or even the Constitution as worth protection. The only institution they are interested in protecting is the one that continues and continues to provide their gravy train of graft and a continued manifestation of their carefully constructed status quo. It pays for their lavish lifestyles.Where there used to be giants and actual stable geniuses, now we have only a government of insane mangy, beady-eyed sewer rats who swim and bathe in their own filthy lack of courage. We chose poorly, and now the earth is opening up under our feet.