Do You Misinterpret Señor Trumpanzee?

That's the video. There's also an official White House transcript. What's to misinterpret? A Trump supporter who's a relative of a friend, claims he speaks in code and only The True Believers understand the code. Maybe it was that. Or maybe that there is a subtle white mustache on some of the videos (like the one above, as a matter of fact; look closely), proof that he had chopped up and snorted some Adderall before he marched out to meet the press. That would also help account for some of his more bizarre and incoherent behavior all through the Hanoi press conference.But whatever it is, we know that Susan Collins (R-ME) publicly castigated him when he got back and Otto's home state senator, Rob Portman, had a minor meltdown on the floor of the Senate, insinuating Trump is "naive" about the "brutal nature" of his BFF's regime: "We can’t be naive about what they did to Otto, about the brutal nature of the regime that would do this to an American citizen."Presumably Fred and Cindy Warmbier's widely released statement got to Trump when someone in the White House pointed out that even some of his idiot supporters wouldn't like this: "We have been respectful during this summit process. Now we must speak out. Kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son Otto. Kim and his evil regime are responsible for unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity. No excuse or lavish praise can change that."