Important Health Report: Did A Military Experimental "Vaccine" In 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed As "Spanish Flu"?

It is indeed "flu" season up here in Canada... And as usual when I have been out and about this week, I noticed at the local pharmacy the usual group of idiotic people lining up like dumb ass sheep wanting to get their "seasonal flu shots"..... I can only shake my head in disgust and I have gotten to the point now that I do not even bother trying to tell some of those fools lined up like cattle that the so called 'vaccine' that they are taking into their bodies DOES NOT WORK, period!   I now realize that you can not fix stupid, and the brainwashing done by the criminals in our government, the media, and of course Big Pharma, is too powerful and has too many people with simple minds fooled...Well, this year does mark the 100th "anniversary" of that horrific period in our history when some 50-100 MILLION people world wide died from what has been called 'Spanish Flu'.... That "flu" devastated a world that had just recovered from the hell of World War I, and many families saw so many loved ones infected and to see them die from that tragic "disease".....BUT what if what we have been led to believe for over a century now about this "Spanish Flu" is not the real story or even the real truth?   To help answer some key points about the so called "Spanish Flu" and to show that our history is once again full of nothing but lies and falsehoods, I want to turn to the following most important report, that comes courtesy of the Vaccine Impact website, at This one is entitled "Did A Military Experimental Vaccine In 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed As "Spanish Flu"", and is a must read by everyone... I have the link to that report right here for all to see and read for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: I remember a few conversations with my former colleague, Whitewraithe, who covered this issue about the Spanish Flu being an experiment gone wrong in Kansas in 1918 at her website at Pragmatic Witness..... And I have seen a multitude of articles elsewhere that clearly pointed the blame for the "Spanish Flu" outbreak on this experimental "vaccine" also from Fort Riley, Kansas.... Now we see more proof that these writers and others have been right all along about this epidemic and its origins!I for one absolutely believe what this report states, for I have been saying that modern medical usage of "vaccines" is pure bullshit and is only being used for nefarious reasons; especially to weaken our immune systems and to basically turn human beings into vegetables and compliant slaves....And there is no secret on how to combat the "flu" and other so called 'diseases" these days, for proper Hygiene is always the first major step... Washing properly, keeping clean, using proper sanitation, etc AND taking proper nutrients and vitamins such as Vitamin C and Vitamin D daily, are far better methods of fighting off the "flu" than lining up like an idiot to allow criminals to inject your body with their poisonous "vaccines"....The sad part is that now a 100 years after that "epidemic", modern science is still following the lies that "vaccination" is the way to combat diseases.... History shows differently, but of course many have not learned the lessons of history at all...More to comeNTS