History Will Curse Anyone Who Works For Trump-- Just The Way History Curses Hitler's Enablers

Generals Kelly and Mattis have left the roomHappy New Year! No one wants to work for Señor Trumpanzee-- and certainly not running the Defense Department. No one in that world respects Trump in the slightest or even considers him remotely human. On the other hand, they respect Jim Mattis a lot. Yesterday, writing for Politico, Blake Hounshell and Daniel Lippman reported on Trump's desperate search for a new Secretary of Defense by noting that "The chatter among people familiar with the selection… is that few outside the administration want the job of replacing Jim Mattis as defense secretary, given the president’s decision to yank American troops out of Syria and other recent moves." The other day retired 4-star General Stanley McChristal explained why he wouldn't work for Trump. It just took Cadet Bonespurs a matter of hours-- and a few snorts of chopped-up Adderall-- to lash back like a rabid dog:We may be stuck with another actor playing the part for a while, crooked Boeing executive Patrick Shanahan. Far right Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Generals David Petraeus and Jack Keane turned down the job. Petraeus told the BBC that his views don’t align with President Trump’s on foreign affairs. "I think there does have to be policy alignment and I’m not sure that exists, I’m afraid." I'm sure this tweet from the asshole-in-chief went over especially well with the generals yesterday:So if Trump can't get Shanahan confirmed, he could turn to Dan Coats or... does Jared have time in his busy schedule? You know what would be hilarious? If Trump winds up appointing the first closet case to run the Pentagon, Lindsey Graham-- even though the two of them don't see eye to eye on much to do with defense or foreign policy. Señor T spent New Year's Eve day bathing in self-pity and tweeting his unhinged and bathetic bullshit. He's got to be removed and any member of Congress who doesn't help needs to be defeated ASAP.