UK COLUMN: Yellow Vests vs Macron’s Thugs, No ‘Integrity’ at The Guardian

BREXIT back pedaling has now begun as May positions for a Second Referendum, France’s Yellow Vest protests become violent as Emmanuel Macron deploys the heavies to take on unarmed protesters, meanwhile MSM journalists are now running disinformation campaigns blaming Russia for the French protests, and also for Brexit, and everything else imaginable. Also, The Guardian newspaper do a pristine job of whitewashing Tommy Robinson’s Israeli backers. All this and much more…
UK Column News editor Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the early week news round-up. Watch:

START – Theresa May lies again…Brexit vote is delayed European Court of Justice has very convenient timing… Boris: building foundations and now united with Teflon Tony…? Teflon Tony asked government officials to keep lucrative deals a secret
08:24 – France: yellow vest protesters under attack from French Police Militarised French Police verging on thuggery…? A look at Macron’s thugs but…Assad must go French protests seem to be organic – a popular uprising without outside influence Bloomberg blames the Russians…Putin did it (again) French armoured vehicles being used are carrying the EU flag EU military unification designed for internal policing of EU… EU’s Mogherini: we need to merge military and policing functions
22:49 – Secret Scottish-based office led infowars attack on Labour and Corbyn Cardinal rule of public life: official resources are not used for party political purposes The building conspiracy: a massive disinformation campaign against Russia Guardian & Observer ‘journalist’ Carole Cadwalladr: spin and the twisting of truth The public see through the fabrication and take her to task… Integrity Initiative: a huge propaganda ring and psychological operation on the public
35:44 – Common Narrative: Western Balkans Six – evidence-based policy planning Government doubles-down on confirmation bias, failed narratives and lies
38:54 – Russia sends experts to Aleppo after reports of a chemical attack FCO statement: we have seen nothing to support claims made by Russia or Syria… More classic reverse psychology in full view
41:47 – The Guardian: the hidden global network behind Tommy Robinson Many names and organisations listed but…no mention of Israeli connections Robinson’s support network is mainly Israeli-based – The Guardian fails again
UKC Extra Time: Off-Air Discussion with Patrick & Mike