This is Maaloula, Syria.

Maaloula Syria. You might have heard about this small town? The western media was and still is reporting the attack on Maaloula as a strike on yet another christian town. That is, unsurprisingly, a grossly inaccurate, and overly simplified reporting. Sure, the strike on the town report is correct, but  Maaloula is not just another christian town.That said, a brief recap of what happened is in order

 The rebels launched the assault on the ancient Christian village of Maaloula — which is on a UNESCO list of tentative world heritage sites — on Wednesday after an al-Nusra fighter blew himself up  at the entrance to the mountain village.

Syrian Army personnel fought back against the invading marauders,  the NATO/Israeli  mercenary army and a battle ensued... Maaloula is more then just a Christian town.  It is a live ancient town. Described as a scenic village. Or a mountainside sanctuary. It looks like a place that time had simply passed by. As if it was preserved for all eternity. For us, all of human kind, to gaze upon, wonder about and recollect our historical  roots.  Maaloula represents, as near as possible a living historical chapter in  the book of our common human history.The inhabitants of Maaloula speak a language that has very nearly been all but forgotten and worse almost lost. Aramaic. Aramaic is the language spoken by the biblical Jesus. Jesus did not speak Hebrew as so many wrongly believe. Jesus, spoke Aramaic. Maaloula is one of a very few places remaining on the planet where this ancient language of man is still spoken. Maaloula takes us back thousands of years, as if chanced upon in a time machine.This is Maaloula, Syria    And with an extremely heavy heart I link to a video that shows us what destruction and terror the NATO/Israeli mercs have imposed in this beautiful, precious, historical town.                                                        I have commented here on many occasions that one of the reasons for the wars we see is to destroy history. Destroy the ancient structures. Destroy the languages. Spirit away the irreplaceable, priceless artifacts that rob the countries, Syria in this case, of their heritage. But also on a larger scale, globally, to deprive human kind of it’s collective history

       "A generation which ignores history has no past - and no future."

Rather then ignoring history, what is really going on is that history is being destroyed, stolen, profited from and rewritten. When this happens there is only the future that is being crafted for us by the very individuals who are robbing us of our history.We often hear or read of historians, anthropologists and archeologists despairing over the loss of  so many important historical items. But, these items are not lost. They have gone somewhere on this planet. They have gone to someone.  Once looted by NATO’s mercs, they are sold to the highest bidder. And items of such rarity and value will most often, logically speaking, end up in the hands of those who can pay top dollar for such items. That is not you or me.The very elites that drive these wars are the thieves that end up with artifacts in their private collections. Why do we continue to allow this?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related reading on the situation in Maaloula can be found at Ziad's blog. Who is  today reporting that Maaloula has been cleared of the vermin infestation