Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOne week ago, on the 17th anniversary of the attacks on our country by Osama bin Laden's Saudi confederates, Señor Trumpanzee awoke and grabbed... his phone. The first tweet out of his increasingly sick mind that day was nothing about the solemness of the day. No, instead it was his hourly mantra "No Collusion! No Collusion!" When you are Donald Jackass Trump, you come first, not your country and certainly not those who died so horribly.Trump saved paying homage to those who died for his second tweet of the day. By that time he was, no doubt, up and about. He eventually found a suit that still fit, and his handlers lured him onto Air Force One for a flight to the site where the "Let's Roll" plane crashed. Who knows what they promised him in order to get him on the plane but I bet it involved a pony, the pictured MAGA cowboy hat, a fresh bucket of KFC and his favorite red blankie, the one with the yellow star on it.Upon deplaning in Pennsylvania, Trump seized on what he clearly regarded as merely a photo-op. He was so jazzed about that that he couldn't restrain himself and did a double fist pump. The photo-op went viral, just not the way his handlers planned. The photo was destined for memes, just like so many photos of our child president. Hence, tonight's meme, but, there's something else I like about the photo, other than the grossness of Trump doing a double fist pump to mark the occasion. Check out the expressions of the people around him. Melania looks like she's about to cry, not that I have any sympathy for her, and the guy walking next to her is featuring a perfect "What The Fuck" expression. What The Fuck indeed.
