34 Backpacks – An Ongoing Commemoration of Yemeni Children Killed on August 9

Felton Davis, who coordinates a weekly vigil in NYC calling for an end to the U.S. war against Yemen, sent us a letter written by Yemen’s Minister of Education which names the students and teachers who were killed when a Saudi warplane fired a 500 lb. bomb, made in the US, at their school bus. We feel relieved to know that ten children whom we believed had died are actually alive. The number of children killed was 34, not 44. Four of their teachers were killed along with 12 passers-by. 78 people were wounded, including 55 students. Our hearts also go out to the first responders, EMT workers and hospital staff whose courageous efforts to save and heal people also involved trying to determine the number of dead.
We encourage people to continue commemorating those who died in the April 9, 2018 attack. In Chicago, Voices and other peace groups gathered in the Federal Building Plaza where we set up blue backpacks to commemorate each child who had been killed. (UNICEF had issued blue backpacks to the children before they went on their outing).

Please let us know if you would like to set up a similar vigil in your area. We can equip people with placards describing the attack and naming each victim; we can also supply photos, sample fliers, press releases and information about setting up backpacks. Contact Voices at 773-878-3815 or write info@vcnv.org.
You can also find more information, with photos and videos, at hashtag #44backpacks.
Here are the names of those killed and injured in the August 9 attack:

  • Mohammad Yahya Yahya Faya, killed 11 years old
  • Zakaria Abdel Wahab Ali Faya, killed 10 years old
  • Ali Mohammed Hassan Da’i, killed 10 years old
  • Yousef Hussein Hussein Tayeb, killed 15 years old
  • Ahmed Zaid Hussein Tayeb, killed 12 years old
  • Ali Zaid Hussein Tayeb, killed 9 years old
  • Osama Zeid Ali Al-Hamran, killed 13 years old
  • Ali Zaid Ali Al-Hamran, killed 15 years old
  • Ali Abdul Rahim Ali Hashem, killed 9 years old
  • Akab Mohamed Hassan al-Abbadi, killed 12 years old
  • Turki Mohamed Hassan Abadi, killed 10 years old
  • Yousef Abdul Aziz Al-Dahdawi, killed 13 years old
  • Younis Abdul Aziz Al-Dahdawi, killed 11 years old
  • Yousef Abdullah Saleh Al-Hatafi, killed 10 years old
  • Abdullah Hussein Faisal Hajj, killed 12 years old
  • Hamid Mohammed Ayda Hadi, killed 10 years old
  • Yousef Hassan Mohammed Al-Dhib, killed 9 years old
  • Abdul Malik Abdul Rahman Abdullah Al-Dhib, killed 12 years old
  • Amjad Abdul Rahman Abdullah Al-Deeb, killed 10 years old
  • Mohamed Abdulsalam Abdullah Al-Dehayani, killed 12 years old
  • Abd al-Ilah Abdullah Hussein al-Razahi, killed 11 years old
  • Mohamed Abdel-Ilah Mohamed El-Hakim, killed 9 years old
  • Mohammed Abdullah Yahya Velita, killed 12 years old
  • Hassan Abdul Karim Ahmad Al Hadi, killed 10 years old
  • Ahmed Abdel Hakim Ali Amer, killed 11 years old
  • Mohamed Abdel Salam Hassan Houria, killed 9 years old
  • Yahia Mahdi Ezz El Din Houria, killed 12 years old
  • Hussein Mohammed Ahsan al-Ajri, killed 15 years old
  • Abdullah Abdulsalam Abdullah Taraf, killed 12 years old
  • Mohammad Yahya Mohammed Al-Ezzi, killed 8 years old
  • Yahya Mohammed Hussein Al-Arjari, killed 12 years old
  • Yousef Saleh Abdullah Al-Aqili, killed 10 years old
  • Mohammed Saeed Ali Salman, killed 13 years old
  • Waleed Abdullah Ali Ali Al-Khulani, killed 13 years old
  • Mohammed Abdul Hafeez Abdullah Steen, killed 28 years
  • Yahia Hussein Yahya Al-Bishri, killed 42 years old
  • Ali Hussein Hassan Al-Ajri, killed 27 years old
  • Ali Salah Zaid Faya, killed 48 years old
  • Abdul-Malik Abdullah Al-Da’i, wounded 9 years old
  • Hassan Hussein Qasim Al-Shawi, wounded 10 years old
  • Hussein Yahya Yahya Al-Shawi, wounded 12 years old
  • Hussein Qasim Hussein Al-Shawi, wounded 11 years old
  • Ibrahim Mohammed Hamid Al-Shahari, wounded 10 years old
  • Taha Hassan Abdullah al-Shahari, wounded 9 years old
  • Saber Massoud Mesfer Jaber, wounded 12 years old
  • Hafez Abdullah Ali Al-Mahah, wounded 9 years old
  • Mohammed Khaled Qassem Al-Saadi, wounded 12 years old
  • Mohamed Ghaleb Ali Ghalebi, wounded 16 years old
  • Ahmed Mohamed Ali Swaid, wounded 16 years old
  • Hassan Mohamed Ali Hassan, wounded 12 years old
  • Faisal Mohammed Abdullah, wounded 12 years old
  • Mohammed Salem Salman, wounded 12 years old
  • Yahya Mohammed Ali Hanash, wounded 10 years old
  • Hassan Mohammed Ali Hanash, wounded 11 years old
  • Ahmed Abdel Rahman Mohsen Adlan, wounded 13 years old
  • Yahia Ali Mohammed Magali, wounded 10 years old
  • Hassan Abdul Rahman Ahmad Al-Ajri, wounded 11 years old
  • Hussein Ahmed Abdul Salam Al-Ajri, wounded 10 years old
  • Yahia Abdul Majeed Hussein Al-Ajri, wounded 10 years old
  • Younis Saleh Abdullah Al-Aqili, wounded 7 years old
  • Badr al-Din Hussein Yahya al-Katabari, wounded 10 years old
  • Izz al-Din Saleh Muhammad Abdullah, wounded 12 years old
  • Ahmed Abdel Rahman Mohsen Adlan, wounded 13 years old
  • Qassem Mohammed Abdullah Hashem Al Sharafi, wounded 7 years old
  • Mustafa Ghaleb Faisal Al-Wadai, wounded 12 years old
  • Mohamed Abdel-Rahim Ibrahim El-Shazly, wounded 13 years old
  • Mohamed Mutahar Ibrahim El Hadi, wounded 10 years old
  • Abdulrahman Mutahar Ibrahim El Hadi, wounded 12 years old
  • Hassan Ali Ahmad Al-Qasimi, wounded 13 years old
  • Abdel Rahman Tarash Ahmed Salam, wounded 12 years old
  • Ibrahim Tarash Ahmed Salam, wounded 14 years old
  • Ali Taha Ahmed Qassim Sharif, wounded 8 years old
  • Kamal Abdullah Mohammed Al-Sharafi, wounded 13 years old
  • Rafak Ali Salman Suleiman, wounded 13 years old
  • Abdul Hakim Ayza Yahya Al-Maas, wounded 12 years old
  • Taha Taleb Al-Sha’outi, wounded 16 years old
  • Yahia Hassan Daifallah Al Farah, wounded 10 years old
  • Sergeant Ali Noman, wounded 8 years old
  • Mokhtar Hadi Ahmed, wounded 6 years old
  • Hamad Jafar Thabet Al-Samaei, wounded 14 years old
  • Ibrahim Fares Ahmed, wounded 14 years old
  • Abdulrahman Faris Ahmed, wounded 17 years old
  • Abdel Rahman Hussein Ahmed, wounded 17 years old
  • Moaz Qassem Hassan, wounded 17 years old
  • Ahmed Mesfreli Malloh, wounded 17 years old
  • Younis Ali Ahmed Al-Katabari, wounded 13 years old
  • Mu’tasim Faisal Mohammed Abdullah, wounded 16 years old
  • Majed Hussein Abdul Rahman Al-Amir, wounded 18 years old
  • Ramzi Saleh Ismail Abdullah, wounded 17 years old
  • Abdel Rahman Ali Yousef Al-Hawouri, wounded 17 years old
  • Ahmed Mohamed Ali Hanash, wounded 14 years old
  • Hassan Mohammed Ali Hassan, wounded 12 years old
  • Hussein Ali Mohammed Qasim Ada, wounded 41 years old

Reprinted from Creative Voices for Nonviolence
The post 34 Backpacks – An Ongoing Commemoration of Yemeni Children Killed on August 9 appeared first on Antiwar.com Blog.
