Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah The Milk Of Human CrueltyNow Trump, this 99-cent store Hitler, even has the Republicans chanting "lugenpresse" (German for "lying press") at his rallies. The phrase was used by Hitler's Nazi followers in 1930s Germany when they, too, had embarked on a campaign to discredit the press and incite violence against journalists. And still America sleeps. How long before the Nazi straight-armed rally salutes are not just sporadic but full-on punctuations for every sentence Trump spews out at his speeches? How long before he suggests that American soldiers parading in front of his reviewing stand during his penis-compensation military parade should give him the same salute as they march by?It's hard to unsee some things and for this I almost apologize. The truth is that the ugliness of Trump is there to be seen and any failure to see it gives it advantage. The only thing I would consider changing about the art for tonight's meme is the depicted size of Trump's hands. Obviously, the hands should be the same size as the infant's hands. There's much that any true patriot would change about the real living breathing Trump himself.Fear and hate have been the two main entrees on the Republican menu for decades now but the Republican milk of human cruelty has now fermented into a cheese so repulsively reeking that a decent human being can't even be in the same house with it, let alone be able to get it past one's nose. Trump is a cheese best left to the rats who scurry to his rallies and sing his praises on FOX "News."
